A $15B telecommunications, media and professional sports organization in Canada with over 26,000 employees and $30 billion in assets. There was a recent departure of the CIO and 5 of 7 CIO direct reports coupled with the recent hired a new CEO.
- Increasing regulation with government oversight related to poor customer service.
- Increasing customer complaints about mobile applications and system availability.
- Increasing “churn”, lost customers, and deleted subscriptions on applications.
- Shrinking customer base and average product per customer, reducing revenues.
- Increasing system outages (CIM – customer impact minutes) caused by poor application quality and unnecessary inter-app dependencies due to tightly coupled integrations.
- Initiated an IT Strategy effort to align IT work with business goals.
- Assessed outage root cause and included quality improvement initiatives in IT Strategy.
- Engaged Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise IT teams to develop a 5-year road map.
- Collaborated with internal business leaders to develop clarity, understanding and communications for execution of the IT Strategy.
- Developed a Program Portfolio and mapped to Business Strategy Goals.
- Engaged with Finance to create ROI and budgets for the IT Strategy project portfolio.
- Developed business unit heat map to focus investment on high priority areas.
- Identified $250 million in contract improvements to pay for IT Strategy work.
- Identified $1.4 billion in savings from the IT Strategy Program Portfolio realignment.
- Developed new relationships with Enterprise Architects and IT leaders and built the company’s first IT Strategy, Application Portfolio, and 5-year roadmap.
- Identified 45 duplicative applications to “decommission” over 5-year plan.
- Identified application enhancements and projects to reduced network outages by 22% by fixing application instability issues and tightly coupled integrations.
- Improved launch outcomes of new iPhone, Oracle E-Biz upgrade, and NHL mobile platform with quality oversight and enhancement initiatives.
- Defined programs to launch Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data, AI, and ML Analytics initiatives, driving an increase in revenue of 34%.